Cllr. Joe Sheridan Fianna Fáil
Hello, Joe Sheridan here,
I am asking you to give me your Number 1 vote on 7th June 2024 in the local elections. As a Councillor in Tuam I have arranged homes for people, advocated and advised on business concerns, helped with amenity upgrades and as recently as May 2024, helped to arrange and fund the Pedestrian Crossing upgrades for Tuam which cost €20,000 from my nominated budget. I spearheaded the changes to the County Development Plan which allow Tuam natives to build homes for their families in their own locality which had not been allowed under previous Council rules.
As Chairman of Tuam Municipal District, I oversaw the Tuam Town Plan adopted. My action points in the document set the stage for my 10 Point Plan outlined below and include Homes, Health and Hubs at their core and encompass the values of community, family, care, amenities and safety.
My background is in Engineering Technology and I also have a Masters in Food Engineering. I am currently working towards a HDip in Planning and Environmental Law at the Kings Inns in Dublin which will help me help communities, business and individuals when they apply for planning permission. I’m self-employed with a small business, I am a co-founder of the Rural Social Scheme which now encompasses north Galway and has a team assigned to Tuam Town and surrounding areas.
I am Chairperson of Galway VFI. A Business Federation representing 400 businesses and 4000 nationally. I actively promote and develop schemes to help small family businesses. It is through the VFI that I am best known for my zero tolerance towards the use of cocaine and I will advocate for safe zoning for Tuam town.
I am a founding member and sit on the Board of the Nationwide Community Energy Ireland CLG (NCEI). This is a voluntary role for the promotion and provision of energy ownership projects that co-fund community centres, playgrounds and amenities in local schools. I work closely with Community Councils across North Galway on grant applications and planning. I am currently working on a Community Centre proposal for Tuam with Tuam Community Council.
I serve on the inter-county Transport Committee and through this am working on a Transport Hub in Tuam.
I am married to Sinead with three teen and adult children attending local secondary school and third level in Galway and Dublin. I can identify with being one of the squeezed middle when it comes to taxation and the cost of living for families. We are both fortunate to be able to work and the older college going kids have local part-time jobs at the weekends. My own and Sinead’s mothers are blessed to be living their golden years independently at home in their own communities. For this to be possible, I am acutely aware of the need for strong support services in communities. I help the elderly and their families by advocating for appointments, pushing for increased carer hours and assisting in applying for home improvement grants.
10 Point Plan
1. Deliver 365 new homes for the people of Tuam.
2. Address staffing levels at the Grove Tuam campus including CDNT7 and bring forward a proposal for a Cognitive Centre of Excellence for the West, in Tuam.
3. Deliver an IDA factory for Tuam.
4. Deliver a Tuam Community Centre.
5. Deliver a Transport Hub in Tuam with European Funding.
6. Improve street safety in Tuam town centre with CCTV and Garda presence.
7. Deliver a Remote Work Hub and Cultural Centre in Tuam Town Hall.
8. Deliver a 2 Pitch Sports Inclusion Complex for Tuam.
9. Facilitate the establishment of a Tuam ‘Citizens Assembly’ to address citizen,
committee and business concerns to report at our monthly council meetings.
10. Deliver common sense engineering solutions to Tuam for traffic, ticketing, amenities and services.
I will fight your corner.
If you would like more information on my work as a Councillor, check out my Facebook page Joe Sheridan Gcc where I uploaded a video every week since June 2019.
Please Vote SHERIDAN #1
Contact Details:
Mobile: 087 9897072
Facebook: Joe Sheridan Gcc

Ask Joe
My Office
High Street, Dunmore,
Tuam, Co. Galway
Clinic by appointment
Contact Details
For private queries please email:
Mobile: 087 9897072